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Una ragazza che guarda

IECE - Inclusive Early Childhood Education

Self-Reflection Tool for practitioners on service’s quality in terms of the inclusiveness of physical, social and other learning environments

Early Inclusion through Learning from Each Other

Briefing Packs with information on special needs

Centro diurno per minori
Bambino che gioca con la bolla

Shape! - Sharing and adapting a complex sensitisation program in the Central-European region

Guide on organising parental consultation sessions

Individualized learning process development in
pre-primary and primary education institutions

Programme to support parents to develop their knowledge and understanding of children's learning and needs

Centro diurno per minori
Bambino che gioca con la bolla

TOY for Inclusion - Play Hubs for young children

Guide and a toolkit on implementing the Hubs

EquaP - Enhancing Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care through Participation

Toolbox to promote family participation approaches in ECEC

Centro diurno per minori
Una ragazza che guarda

ISOTIS - Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequality in Society

Virtual Learning Environment to promote the use of different languages and interculturalism at home and (pre)schools

inEDU - Inclusive education model for children with migrant background in pre-schools

Handbook for policymakers with best practices and tools

Centro diurno per minori
Bambino che gioca con la bolla

Supporting Social and Emotional Competences of Pre-School Children from Disadvantaged or Culturally Different Environments

Training sessions for preschool teachers

Good Practice Guide

Khetaun (Together)

Guidelines on the inclusion of Romani children and their families in early childhood programmes

Centro diurno per minori




Funded by the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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