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About the Project

Child using computer

Mission & Vision

The vision of the PATHWAYS project is that of acknowledging the uniqueness of each child, having his/her own needs and diversity, and is considered to be an active member of the community.

The Holistic Approach

The holistic approach to child development means paying attention to each child’s cognitive, physical, emotional, and social wellbeing, which is strictly linked to the quality of ECEC provision.


Over few years that have passed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and we learned that social bonds are essential to our lives and communities.


For parents in particular it demanded more time and active engagement in the children's education and care. Physical participation of children in ECEC services was out of the question, so the concept of service mutated by being delivered in a virtual space, through digital means, counting on the close collaboration between ECEC professionals and parents.


These changes were recognized as potentially more negatively impacting the development of children in contexts with fewer educational and learning resources.

Inclusion & Diversity

PATHWAYS responds to the selected specific and horizontal priorities - Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education.


Inclusion and inclusive environments are strictly linked to the quality of ECEC provision. The partnership is aligned to the UNESCO vision of inclusion in education seen as a process that helps overcome barriers that limit the presence, participation, and achievement of learners. It means addressing and reducing all forms of discrimination in learning and providing adequate support to all.

Bambini che si abbracciano in cerchio
Bambini eccitati nella classe di scienze

PATHWAYS is also in line with the recommendation of the ET2020 working group on ECEC, which recognises that the quality ECEC provision highly depends on the professionalism and competence of the working staff, which is able to engage parents as a resource in the child’s development.

We envision a future where the ECEC provision will be a blended form of inclusive physical and virtual environments, where the capacity to cooperate with parents and define together the children educational pathways will be a common shared practice.

This demands skills, knowledge, and approach, so partners will channel all efforts to give ECEC professionals adequate support through training and peer-learning activities, and provide concrete opportunities to meaningfully engage with parents.


 “ECEC services can complement the family and offer support as well as additional opportunities to parents and children” (Key Principles, 2014).

In line with the Erasmus+ guidelines, the PATHWAYS objectives (O) are:

Enhance and Strengthen

To enhance and strengthen ECEC professionals’ strategic competencies and skills on topics such as inclusiveness, Green and digital environments to be approached in relation to parents/guardians


To improve the quality of the ECEC setting through activities where the ECEC professionals’ role is to empower parents to become active participants in children’s education


To create synergies with the professional community to support the partnership between ECEC professionals and parents, which effectively contributes to children’s holistic development.



Funded by the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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