“ECEC services can complement the family and offer support as well as additional opportunities to parents and children” (Key Principles, 2014).
In line with the Erasmus+ guidelines, the PATHWAYS objectives are:
Enhance and Strengthen
To enhance and strengthen ECEC professionals’ strategic competencies and skills on topics such as inclusiveness, Green and digital environments to be approached in relation to parents/guardians
To improve the quality of the ECEC setting through activities where the ECEC professionals’ role is to empower parents to become active participants in children’s education
To create synergies with the professional community to support the partnership between ECEC professionals and parents, which effectively contributes to children’s holistic development.

We envision a future where the ECEC provision will be a blended form of inclusive physical and virtual environments, where the capacity to cooperate with parents and define together the children educational pathways will be a common shared practice.